
Chapter 171 - A Lot Bigger Than I Thought

    In the meantime, as Rin is setting the food out on top of the broken pieces of clay that was just surrounding the mean, Ai Lan walks over to Yueliang and says. "I did not mean to eavesdrop, although, I could not help but hear, you might be leaving soon? If you want, I could bring your cultivation places here that way we could spend more time together, but if you do not want that just let me know."

    Listening to what she had to say Yueliang immediately yet calmly replies. "It is not that I do not want to spend time with you or grandpa, however the problem is that I am not certain that any place aside from the one I just left will allow me to continue learning what I was practicing before coming here. The place grandpa brought me had a certain effect that I am not quite sure how to describe, but I will try. ..."

    "... You see when I was there, I saw writing on the walls, a changing sky on the roof, and even a certain flooring. While this may not seem important, every part was apparently crucial to learning what there is to learn there. Gramps says it may have to do with my future self or something, and I do not know if it is the planet, the cave, or what, but it feels like this is something I need to do. Do you understand what I mean?" Yue asks softly.

    "I ... Yes, I do. I will not push anymore, I trust you will come back when you have learned what you want. You will right?" Ai Lan asks with eyes glittering with hope and a little desperation.

    Hearing this, Yue then says with a smile. "Of course, anyways, it seems grandpa is ready so let us eat."

---- Half a Hour Later ----

    With their meal finished, Rin starts pulling all the fire back into his body, the excess, soup, meat, bowls, and everything else back into his inventory subspace. Then having finished the clean up, Rin says. "Okay, now about what you wanted to talk about earlier." He says before pausing for a moment, and continuing. "What do you want to know?"

    Feeling like he should get straight to the point, Yueliang quickly answers. "How long will the trip be, what will will be doing, and when is the trip?"

    Smiling at the questions, Rin says. "Straight to the point huh. I like it, alright, so I was thinking the trip could be tomorrow as you guessed to answer that question. Then the trip will just be a few days, and as I said before just showing you how the other cultivators culture is. It should not take more than a few days, but it will definitely show you the darker side of things that you must be warry of."

    "Well at least it is simple and nothing all that much that I have to do right? ... Wait a moment, you want to show me the things I must be wary for so I am guessing that you will be wanting us to fight, defend ourselves, and live there right for those few days right? There is clearly no way that you are going to have us just go sight seeing, you want us .. me to learn through experience huh." Yueliang says after thinking about things for a moment.

    "Hahah, alright, at least you caught on quickly, I was starting to wonder if I would have to just drop you off there and let you catch on the hard way." Rin comments.

    Hearing this, Yue thinks to himself. 'Tough love seems to be your main teaching method at times like these, but at least you are putting in more care and thought than most people who use such methods. Plus you seem to have a strong love for family and those close to you.'

    Then with the main topic of their conversation finished, Ai Lan asks. "Since we have now finished eating, as well as talking about what you wanted to talk about, brother, will you come to my room? I want you to meet my pets. Plus if you find one you like, maybe if they like you I might let you have one." She says trying to entice him all the more into coming with her.

  Although cutting in just as Yue is about to reply, Rin says. "You mentioned your pets before, but you have never shown them to me your dad? Yet you will show them to Yueliang, are you already hitting that age where you get rebellious and start separating from your parents?" Rin says pitifully with a tear about to fall from his eyes.

  Seeing this, Ai Lan quickly comments. "Do not cry daddy, I will not leave anytime soon. How about you come as well?"

    Rins' eyes widening at this, and Yueliang thinking. 'Oh wow, she hit a land mine there.' Meanwhile Rin says. "So you are going to leave? What have I ever done to make you want to leave? Did we not go on enough adventures together? Do you want more pets? What will get you to stay?" Rin rambles on forgetting all about the pet issue for the moment.

    'It seems he is a lot more sensitive and caring than I thought.' Yue thinks to himself as Ai Lan tries comfort her father. However wanting to get this over with quickly and get back to the other matters so he can get back to cultivating sooner he walks over to gramps and says. "Grandpa, do not worry so much. Ai Lan likes it here, and will not leave unless it is either with you, or if she marries. But she likely will not marry for a little while, as I am sure there are not many men who you and I will consent to her being with."

    "Hold on just a moment!" Ai Lan exclaims as he face quickly starts turning red as she blushes.

    However Rin takes a deep breath and comments. "Yes, you are right. Thank you, my mind feels much more at ease now..." Taking deep breaths, he eases himself back into his naturally calm demeanor before standing up. 

    Watching this, Ai Lan gets up as well, and says. "Since you are all better now, let us all head to my room to introduce you to my pets. I am certain they will be excited to meet new people. Also, daddy, I never knew you would be interested in meeting them, or I would have invited you long ago. By the way, how did you not know? As far as I know your divine perception reaches around this planet and much farther." While saying that, she looks back, and winks at Yueliang with a smile trying to say thank you for the help with daddy.

    Yueliang nods as if to say anytime sis.

    Meanwhile, the three make their way out of the room, and into the hall, as Rin answers. "Well, I knew that you had people bringing you creatures of various types when you were much younger, however I wanted to let you have your fun so I never really focused on your room. Basically I just assumed you killed them all to either eat, or for their different properties. Guess, I should keep a closer eye on you so that I can never say I do not know something so big about my daughter right?" He says playfully.

    Ai Lan responding in a joking tone. "Sure daddy, why not."

    It does not take long before the trio finish their short trip up to her room, where she stops before the door and says. "Please do not be too surprised when you go in alright. Just a fore warning, I have some, well, let's just say large creatures. They are all very friendly, but some are easily frightened so please do not show any fear, or killing intent. Do we have a deal?" She looks at both of them in the eyes as she says this.

    Yueliang and Rin look at each other, thinking. 'So what she has a large horse or tiger?' Having the same thoughts the two smile, and say. "Okay, deal." Yueliang going a step further. "We will not frighten them to the best of our abilities. Right?" Rin nods in agreement.

    As Ai Lan hears this, she feels a little more at ease, and she motions for the two to follow her as she jumps into her room before announcing. "Everyone, come on out, I have a few people to introduce to you. They are friendly, and playful, do not be afraid."


    Yueliang looks around seeing the different environments in different directions, volcanoes and mountains, ocean, forest, and even a desert. Each clearly having different weather in them. However still not seeing any of the animals, Yue spoke what was on his and his grandpas mind while his sis is smiling he says. "Sis, I think your little pets are a little spooked, should we co...." Mid sentance he watches a dragon nearly half the size of one of the smaller mountains gets up and flies into the sky, dumbfounding both him and his grandpa. 

    However as if that was not enough, more dragons, both European and Asian start appearing, as well as basilisks, and tons of other creatures from all directions. The dragons, pegasi, and other flying creatures start making designs as they do tricks in the sky especially the pheonixs' as they leave trails of various colored flames.


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