
Chapter 172 - A Lot Bigger Than I Thought Part 2

    However as if that was not enough, more dragons, both European and Asian start appearing, as well as basilisks, and tons of other creatures from all directions. The dragons, pegasi, and other flying creatures start making designs as they do tricks in the sky especially the pheonixs\' as they leave trails of various colored flames.

    Watching the majestic creatures filling the air, and others roaming the land and seas, even some coming out of a waterfall hole in the ground she has in her room, Yueliang mumbles to himself loud enough the other two can hear. "You do not just have pets, but a whole other world, the full on ecosystem." He says as his eyes are fill with wonder, shock, and amazement.

    Meanwhile, Rin comments with a voice of disbelief. "I know for certain you did not have someone bring in this many, but even then how do you have all of these? You even have dragons, albeit not the strongest race of them, but dragons none the less! Just feeding all these would be insane, not to mention such an age of dragons. My little Ai, how... what... they should be at least 50 years old!" He stutters as he tries to understand or and process what is going on.

    Before Ai Lan answers, they focus on all the creatures running, gliding, flying, or even swimming towards them depending on each of the environments they are in. Feeling like they will be run over by the stampede with no real way of escape as some of the creatures even start coming up from under the ground.

    Seeing the worry, on her father and brothers face, Ai Lan says. "Remember your promise, keep calm, and try to be happy. They will not harm you, but are just excited to meet some potentially new friends. Although to answer your questions, some I brought in from outside while you where out daddy, while others I hatched, and some I had guards or merchants bring them to me. Either way, I have raised all of them and taught them as if they were all my family. And, brother you are slightly wrong, you see I do not have a complete ecosystem as I still have to bring lots of food in for them since I do not want them eating each other."

    "Either way, you have your own little army of friends and sidekicks here. I would love to meet them." Yueliang says as he takes a few deep breaths to calm himself.

    Meanwhile, Rin thinks to himself. \'My daughter had such an army that she has been raising right under my nose?! How did this happen? *Sigh. I guess it is not that big a deal, how trained could she have gotten them? Even if they get close, if they attack us, I can just make a massive feast for everyone in the castle once I kill them all. Hopefully she will not hate me after, but she will probably understand.\'

    Just mere moments later, most all of the creatures stopped before them as if they were never moving in the first place and just look at the group expectantly. Expectant of what, who knows, but that is the look they are giving.

    Yueliang being the first to break the silence, and not knowing their intelligence level, but giving the creatures the benefit of the doubt, he says. "Hello, my sister here says you all are amazing creatures, and fun. I hope we can be friends soon, and by the way, my name is Yueliang. It is a pleasure to meet you all."

    However, before letting anyone say anything else, Yue continues. "I have always loved and admired dragons, you look like such majestic creatures, hopefully we can get close soon. Oh, tigers, I have some friends who are divine tigers and you might become friends with. It will certainly be fun meeting you all." He says while thinking. \'That is as long as they do not kill each other over territory or just being near each other or something.\'

    Ai Lan then says as she presents her family. "Everyone this is my brother Yueliang, and my daddy Rin. Please treat them well."

    Then to their surprise most of the beasts around them start speaking either with vocal cords or chi manipulation saying. "Nice to meet you."

    As the others stopped, one of the black dragons with bright ocean blue eyes then says with his voice. "Hello miss Ai Lan, Yueliang, and Rin. It is a pleasure to see Ai Lans\' family, sometimes we worry that we are the only ones she has since she does not talk about the outside too much. Not that that is bad since we get to play with her more, and she is like our family. She has taken care of us all, and raised most of us from birth, as we are all of one of three situations. We are orphans from dead parents, or kidnapped from our parents, or injured and left to die. If not for her we would likely be dead, or slaves, or pets without freedom."

    Hearing this, Yueliang and Rin feel amazed and proud of Ai Lan, as such things would normally be avoided by most people. Yet she is taking on the troubles of rescuing these beasts, and animals, then allowing them to live their life as they please in this safe small world that is actually much larger than it looks.

    Red starts filling Ai Lan\'s cheeks as she blushes from the compliments, before saying. "Xiaolong, there is no need to say so much about that. I simply saw some creatures that needed healing, and knowing that I could help, did what I could. In the end we all became family, which is already a blessing to me as mine is often either dying or busy." Then turning to her dad and brother says. "Oh but not that I blame you. I understand you both are doing your best that others may live happily and peacefully. It is just lonely without the company, and everyone here has their lives as well."

    Having heard this, Yue looks around only to see the creatures looking away as if to say, \'There is not much here, we just want to be with the young miss.\'. Seeing this causes him to wonder. \'If these beasts and animals are wanting to hang around sister so much, why do they not tell her? Is there something I am missing, or do they just not want her to feel bad?\'

    Not able to figure it out, Yue asks. "So what are we to do, or where are we to go first? What do you have in mind sis?"

    Wondering what to do now, as she has not really thought out this plan, Ai Lan delves deep into her thoughts, meanwhile, Rin feeling that he wants to go back to other things starts walking away as he says. "Goodbye you two, I have things to do, and will see you tomorrow Yue. Have fun with the young creatures, and among yourselves. I still have to reward the talented soldiers, as well as give the soldiers pay to the families in which the soldiers have died."   

    With that said, the creatures make a path to the exit for him, albeit mainly the smaller and medium size ones such as seals and other aquatic creatures that came from that direction. Rin makes his way though, and with each step the creatures make way, making it look as though the sea of beasts and animals are being parted like the sea.

    As her father leaves out the door, Ai Lan then says. "Well, I guess this will be easier now. Yueliang do you like playing games, or sports or anything? I ask because everyone here should get their exercise, but if you are tired or do not want to, we can always bath them."

    Yue then ponders, before answering a few seconds later. "How about we just leisurely ride around if you do not mind? I have always wanted to play with dragons, and other exotic and mythical or legendary creatures. While I am not up for sports at the moment, a flight, ride, or even bathing them sounds relaxing enough."

    Hearing this, Xiaolong says. "Young miss Ai Lan, if I may, how about I take him for a flight and you take White? Then we could race. It will kill two birds with one stone so to speak as I still have yet to beat her in a race, and I would love to try it."

    Giving him an interesting look, she replies. "Xiaolong, you are not trying to say that you lost because of weight when you lose right? It seems like too much even for you."

    The young black dragon shakes his head while replies. "Young miss, it seems you have too little faith in me. Us dragons simply like to see our place above or below others in our different talents, and I intended to challenge her tomorrow anyway. Starting with flight, then onto the others.. Therefore whether you accept or deny makes little difference except maybe to your guest."

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