
Chapter 173 - A Missing Friend

    The young black dragon shakes his head while replies. "Young miss, it seems you have too little faith in me. Us dragons simply like to see our place above or below others in our different talents, and I intended to challenge her tomorrow anyway. Starting with flight, then onto the others. Therefore whether you accept or deny makes little difference except maybe to your guest."

    *Sigh. Ai Lan shakes her head back and forth slowly as she thinks to herself. 'While he has certainly gotten gotten better at talking with a silver tongue, and being polite, it seems xiaolong has yet to learn to hide his intentions which is good I guess. At least it means he will not be manipulating us for a while.'

    Having finished her thoughts, she answers. "I will ask, but the final descision will be left up to her alright?"

    Xiaolong nods his head as he thinks. 'Yes! While White would certainly not accept if I had asked, as I tried before, but if the young miss asks it is near guaranteed!' Then looking around, and not seeing white, he asks aloud confusedly. "Huh? Where is white?"

    With that said, all the creatures of different types start looking around as well since this is something they would love to see and know the outcome of. With Xiaolong having been the strongest creature among them for a long time, they want to know if that still holds ever since the white female dragon has come.

    Not that she has a name yet, so everyone just calls her white in the meantime since all her scales are white as snow, even her talons, of course there are slightly darker white areas like on the wings and talons so as to her body look more aesthetically appealing. Her pupils are also a sterling silver in color.

    With her being no where to be seen, and it being common knowledge among the beasts to show up every time Ai Lan is here, they wonder what could have happened. Even the young princess starts wondering, as it feels unusual since every time she comes in the room she is greeted. Although she did not teach them as such, it seems they just did it anyway and she felt it was abnormal if they all of a sudden disappear like white.

    Seeing everyone action a little differently than before, Yue asks. "Is something wrong? Maybe she just did not hear you, or something. Is this white dragon in a cave, or maybe flying around?"

    Quickly answering his question one of the unicorns using chi vocal manipulation, then says. "No, we all greet our master as she appears, if one does not appear, they must either be dead, severely injured, or on their death bed." The male unicorn says as their race can speak no lie.

    "Why do you say that horny?" Ai Lan asks interrupting but asking the same question that is one her brothers mind.

    The beast quickly glare at the unicorn, but knowing the blessing their race has, where they can neither lie nor will they peacefully accept hearing them, they release their gaze. And while this may have escaped the young princess' gaze it did not for Yueliang, causing him to think while nearly coughing. 'Pft. What is with that name? And there is something going on here they do not want sis to know about. But what could it be?'

    Meanwhile the male unicorn replies with its innocent voice. "Well, it is obviously because the strongest among us tells us to do so. This being because it would show our gratitude and respect towards you. Also, after a while it just feels natural, as we get to be with you and play."

    Hearing this, Yue now understands, but then wonders. 'I feel I need to tell her, but should I? It is not harming anything yet as no one comes here from my understanding. Either way, if anyone heard this, especially grandpa he might be thrown for a moment before going out to seek blood from whoever corrupted sis. Then again if I tell her, would I not be the one who would have to pay in blood for corrupting sis? No, I cannot risk it, she should be told. The beasts probably thought the same hence why they have not mentioned it unless they are as pure as her mentally.'

    Just as Ai Lan is about to speak again, Yue quickly interrupts. "Sis, I think I need to tell you something. But first a question."

    "What is it brother? Clearly we need to find white so can it wait?" She asks worriedly.

    "This will take but a moment and it is important. Just please hear me out really quickly." Yue replies.

    She then answers. "Alright, what is it?"

    "Sis, if I may why did you name that unicorn horny?" Yue asks with a serious expression.

    Hearing his question, she gets taken off guard and replies. "That is your important question? Just look at him, he has a beautiful long spiraled white horn that matches the rest of his body. Therefore I thought it only fitting. Now if you are done messing around, we need to look for white alright."

    "*Sigh. Sis, I feel terrible that I have to be the one to break the news to you and I am sure gramps will likely want to kill me for doing this, but it needs to be said. The creatures around probably think the same as me. While it is wonderful that you are so pure, you should know." Yue says.

    Turning around to face Yueliang again after having already turned away, she asks. "What is it that I do not know?"

    "Sis, while horn or horney may mean that something has a lot of horns there is another meaning out there. There is a synonym from people with dirty minds who are trying to put filth into things that were once clean. Thus with its other meaning, the name horney could also mean that person is very lust filled." Yueliang tries to explain simply.

    "Lust?" Ai Lan repeats as if she does not know the meaning.

    Seeing this, Yue then says. "Sister, you do know how babies are made right?"'

    She nods and says. "Yes, a male and female get married, and the female has a baby appear inside her right."

    "Pfft." All the creatures and Yueliang exclaim as they hear this, and realize just how pure she really is.

    Then Yueliang says seriously. "Sister it seems you need to learn this now before someone tricks you. You see it is as you said, two people get married, but then they procreate by sticking the mans penis into the womans vagina. Then releasing his seed inside the woman it is grows into a baby. I am explaining this so you do not get into a scary situation in the future. But as you know sex out side of marriage is bad. Surely you know what I mean right?"

    Ai Lan shakes her head.

    *Sigh. "It seems grandpa really did not teach you. You know how males and females have different part? Well that has a reason. If you want more details asks gramps, but in the meantime to answer your question. Lust is a desire that often leads to impure actions, namely sex out of marriage. I am sure gramps at least told you that you should not get together with a man until married right? Well it is because of many reasons but over all here are some of the basic reasons. When you procreate for the first time it is sacred, and can never be taken back. Also sex outside of marriage would cause your soul to be condemned." Yueliang explians.

    "I see, well I will talk to dad about it. But seeing as you are worried of daddies wrath, I will not tell him you told me. If he asks, I will just say it is a secret. Anyways, over all, you are saying that we could call horny something else?" She asks with a curious face.

    Yueliang nods in reply, as he does not want to get into such a sacred topic as he does not want to lead others astray, nor does he want to even talk about such thing. Especially since his earthly knowledge of such information is likely very limited and flawed compared to the vast knowledge of cultivators who are much closer and more knowledgeable of well most things out there.

    With his nod as a reply, she says. "Alright, I will think about changing it after I figure out more about this thing you are telling me about from daddy. If it is not something bad than I will not change it, but if it is than I will.. In the meantime, everyone please go out and look for white, we will meet back here in 4 hours, unless I let you know otherwise. Does everyone understand?"

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