
Chapter 360 Canary

Raising his voice, he said:

"I have returned."

Freeing himself from his emotional locks. Luke had finally understood how to properly control magic, this would not make the act of learning the spells any easier, but all the control and use of magic was now free for the half-wolf.

Mastering the rest of the elemental spells now was just a matter of practice, Luke's more complex spells now would not just disappear. His understanding of magic gave him much greater freedom in how to use the mana within his body.

Luke then splits the gigantic sphere of fire above his head. It divided into several smaller spheres that began to circle his body. Controlling the movement of each one was a task that, although it took a lot of mana, was almost as natural for the half-wolf.

Staying afloat was as automatic as breathing. And to control the spheres, he only needed to know where they should go, just by thinking, those massive spheres of mana and fire were moving freely.

Those various spheres were rotating around the young man. He then joined the two that were in his hands, creating a sort of disk of mana and heat. Still floating in the air, Luke turned toward the sea.

The sun was almost disappearing over the horizon. The waves of the sea were swaying with the rising tide. Luke turned to face the vastness of the water, and with a wave of his hands, all the spheres and the disk were directed into the water.

Creating a gigantic explosion of steam and wind. The seawater was lifted with the pressure of the various attacks, and falling like a small rain, into the sea. A strong wave of wind flew towards the three of them, further shaking Megan and Adrian's hair. Luke then descended to the sand, his wind magic decreasing in intensity until he stepped on the ground. All around the half-wolf you could see the marks on the beach sand from the movement of the wind he was controlling. The moment he landed; Luke turned to his colleagues excitedly.

"It all seems so simple now." Half-wolf said, smiling.

The two mages in front of him were quiet, however, Megan was quite irritated by the situation. The young woman's cheeks were red with anger, her forehead was hot and her teeth were grinding with rage. One of her feet was pounding the ground with speed, she was impatient.

Luke didn't notice any of these signs, still thoughtful and focused on himself, he was reflecting on what he had just done.

"It was just controlling the magic, the energy to fuel it, she was already with me." He said, looking down at his hands.

Megan then took a deep breath, looked at Luke, and began to lecture the young man.

"First you disappear for hours, doing this weird meditation thing. Then you make this sandstorm, shake all my hair, and even get my clothes dirty. I am very angry with you!" Megan said.

Adrian then made a face of genuine surprise, turning to Megan he asked:

"Why don't you throw water on him?"

The girl then turned angrily, and reaching out one of her hands, she quickly conjured a sphere of water towards the boy's face. That sphere of water flew out and crashed into Adrian's nose, throwing him backwards.

The blond boy flew away, falling to the sand on the beach. A small trail of sand was made by the boy's feet as the sphere of water carried him away. Lying on the beach, Adrian stretched one of his arms upwards, his index finger pointing to the sky. The boy then continued

"See! You're acting different with him!"

The Girl turned back, and angrily she again threw a sphere of water at the blond boy. That water magic came flying out again towards Adrian's face, who as he was hit, gave a scream with fright.


The boy's scream caught the two young men standing by surprise, who began to laugh. This lightened the mood a bit, leaving Megan a little more relaxed about everything that had just happened.

Luke then put one of his hands on her shoulder. She took a little fright and quickly turned red with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I caused" he said.

"D-don't worry." replied the young lady

Adrian then stood up, shook his hair to get the sand out. He was now looking down, slapping his body a few times to remove the sand from his clothes. The boy then walked out to meet the two young men, curious, he questioned Luke

"What was that you did just now? I didn't understand anything that happened."

Adrian's question was simple, but still, the half-wolf would have to lie in his answer. He could not explain that he had just used a gene. Even though he was at the academy, he was still too close to the Melki empire. Turning to the blond-haired boy, Luke looked him in the eye and began to explain a completely fabricated story.

"This meditation I just did, is about a secret technique of the ancestors of my tribe. I am an orphan, but it is so woven into my culture and the genetics of the half-wolfs that I ended up learning to perform it on my own just by hearing stories of what my parents were like. It's like I'm walking around inside my soul, visualizing my problems and challenges." He said, trying to disguise as much as possible that he was lying.

Megan was surprised by Luke's response, with a face of genuine surprise.

"I have never read about such a specific technique of the half-wolf clans. That must be a secret passed down from generation to generation, is it really okay to tell us?" Said the girl.

'Nice! She took the bait.'

"Actually, whether it's a secret of my clan or not, unfortunately I don't know. I have only heard stories about this technique. But I would be extremely grateful if you two would keep it a secret." Luke concluded

Adrian and Megan nodded, excited by the information and the half-wolf's vote of confidence.

"You are amazing Mr.Luke! In such a short time you are already able to do so many things with magic, you are for sure a genius!" said the blond boy

'Mr? What about me, a genius in magic?'

"I'm not that amazing." Answered Luke

"Yes, you are! Show us again this magic you made." said Adrian

The half-wolf then nodded yes. Extending one of his hands, he channeled his mana above his palm. A sphere of mana and fire appeared, this sphere grew and grew.

Luke then with his other hand, flattened that sphere of energy. The Heat from it was gigantic, but since it was him controlling his magic, he felt nothing. Then there was a disk of compressed energy. That disc remained spinning above one of the half-wolf's hands, which with a flick of his hand, he projected the disc forward.

Using if wind magic to control the direction of that spell, however, the amount of energy he put in with the flick was enough for the sound of wind being cut to appear.


That disc flew off into the sea, flying until the three of them lost sight of where it was.

Megan then placed one of her hands on her chin. And watching Luke, she began to think to herself. Both Adrian and the half-wolf did not understand the girl's attitude, and she began to walk from one side to the other while thinking quietly.

The girl soon then turned to Luke, pointing a finger at him, she challenged the young man.

"This magic is a mana manipulation with fire and wind! If you visualize a shape for the spell, with your amount of mana, you will theoretically be able to create any shape you wish!" Megan then crossed her arms, staring the half-wolf in the eyes, she continued to speak. "You have more mana than you need, so how about trying to create a spell with physical form?"

The girl then held out one of her hands. Three spheres of fire and mana appeared on top of the girl's palm, they then formed a cross. Soon after, that small cross increased a little in size and took the form of a small bird. That bird was static, it didn't move. It was just a statue of mana and heat.

With her other hand Megan made some movements. Until the little bird, made of that same red and white matter, began to flap its wings. Then it took off. Circling the girl, who controlled the actions of this spell.

He was clearly not alive; he was like a little puppet of energy. But every movement of the little bird was so realistic that it left the two young people extremely surprised by the spell. Megan then turned to Luke and said:

"You have mastered that first stage well, but can you do this?"

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