
Chapter 361 Stay With Me

"You have mastered that first stage well, but can you do this?"

The moment Megan said this, the little energy canary came flying to the girl\'s hand. The little bird was able to perform several impressive movements, its form was extremely realistic. Both the flapping of its wings and every movement commanded by Megan made that statue of energy look truly alive.

As much as Luke felt much freer with manipulating magic, the young man didn\'t even know how to start on the spell. He first began to transfer his energy, flowing from inside his chest to his arms, and then to his hands. Watching the palm of his hand, he channeled his mana into a sphere of energy, just as Megan had done.

That sphere of energy grew larger, and when it reached a relatively large size. Luke used his other hand to cut the sphere in two. Each part was the size of an apple. Controlling the shape of the two spheres, the half-wolf connected the two, making a cylinder with the ends still circular.

He then, with the hand he was using to control, created a small sphere of mana. Controlling where it should be, Luke placed the small sphere above the cylinder, this was an attempt to create a head for the bird.

With that free hand, he was manipulating the shape of the energy, trying to turn that heap of mana into a bird. By this time, much more time had passed, which just showed how amazing Megan\'s ability was, creating something so complex in seconds.

To the half-wolf\'s surprise, modeling was not so complicated. As he ran his finger across the energy, that heap of energy was changing shape. He was transforming that cylinder of energy into a shape that looked a little more like a half-moon, trying to create the little bird\'s tail. With a tweezing motion with his hands, Luke tried to create a small beak on the statue\'s head.

Even though manipulating the energy was not such a complicated task, the statue the half-wolf was creating was far from looking like a bird. Finishing the modeling of the statue was something surprisingly difficult for Luke, even simple, there was a lack of manual skill in Luke. As a few more minutes passed, that energy sculpture floating above his hand was far from looking like a bird.

In the end, the half-wolf could not transform that heap of mana and fire into a bird. It was just a heap of shapes that glowed in a red and white light. This small defeat bothered him a lot, after such a display of skill, encountering yet another barrier made him a bit angry.

[You are a terrible loser].

\'Give me two days and I\'ll make an energy dragon.\'

[Hahaha, why don\'t you say that to Megan?]

\'Tsc stop it.\'

Luke then closed his hand, and floating above it, the sculpture became concentrated into a sphere again, until it completely transformed. At the moment, the half-wolf had given up the challenge. However, even frustrated by this, being able to control the movement and shape of the sphere of fire and mana was something that made Luke extremely grateful.

He then began to rotate the sphere above his fingers. He moved it from side to side, realizing how almost automatic the action of controlling where it should go was. The sun was almost setting, and the sound of the roaring sea was extremely relaxing for the half-wolf. Turning towards the vastness of the salt water, Luke launched the energy sphere towards the waves.


After casting, a loud sound of the spell flying towards the water echoed across the beach. The mana sphere itself made a gigantic sound, cutting through the wind at high speed. It kept gaining distance from the three of them, until finally, after crossing a wave, the sphere fell into the water.

Even from a long distance away, the sphere still raised some water as it began to sink, with the heat of the magic, some steam began to rise from the area where the spell hit.

Half-wolf then turned to Megan.

"I will learn this, so just wait." he said smiling.

Seeing Luke\'s smile warmed the girl\'s heart, she was truly concerned about the time the half-wolf had spent seemingly unconscious. Both Megan and Adrian were excited by Luke\'s motivation, the half-wolf possessed a willpower that although it was quiet, was quite motivating.

It was almost dark already, Luke had undoubtedly had a very tiring day, the same could be said of Megan and Adrian, who were tired after so much time studying and working on their respective researches.

The half-wolf was already thinking about the next day, about his request for help to Orion and about the mysterious little blacksmith who gave him that unusual proposal. However, Luke began to feel a discomfort inside his chest, things were starting to get bad for the young man.

Adrian, still soaked with water, was running his hands over his body, trying to get the rest of the sand out. He then created a wind magic, to try to spread with one spell all the sand that was stuck in his clothes.

Megan was tired, she wanted to go home and take a long hot bath. Her hair was not so messy, but she is delicate like any other girl her age. Even though her main focus is her studies in magic, any girl likes to keep herself neat and scented.

"I\'m really looking forward to taking a hot bath in the tub." Megan said, stretching her arms as she stretched, "My back is killing me."

"I\'m pretty tired myself, you went way overboard with the water spells today." Answered Adrian

"It\'s not that much, I even controlled myself so I wouldn\'t hurt you." Megan said.

"Still, it bothered me a lot... Why don\'t you do this kind of thing with Luke?" Questioned Adrian

"Hmm, I guess he just doesn\'t make me as angry as you do."

The two were having fun talking, but they both failed to notice how silent Luke was. His body was swaying a little, his throat couldn\'t speak anything.

Until Adrian turned to Luke to say goodbye.

"See ya buddy! I\'m already go- ing..." said the blond haired boy, who widened his eyes watching Luke\'s pale face.

Megan noticed Adrian\'s reaction, and quickly looked at the half-wolf. Showing her concern and surprise with wide eyes.

The half-wolf\'s face showed a huge fatigue, he was without any balance. At the corner of Luke\'s mouth, there was a little blood.



At that very moment, the half-wolf\'s vision became completely blurred. His heartbeat started to become heavier and slower. The boy felt a gigantic shortness of breath and pain in his chest, his head was in great pain. It felt as if his ribs were being pressed down, as if a giant hand was grabbing him and squeezing him.

After sputtering with what seemed to be a punch inside his heart, Luke then fell to his knees on the ground. Still trying to stand, in vain. For his consciousness became more and more blurred, his vision went out.

[Luke please, stay with me.]

The half-wolf then collapsed on the sand on the beach, the last thing he heard was Balance talking to him.

Adrian and Megan were desperate. The girl then knelt down and with the boy\'s support turned Luke over, who was lying face down in the sand. She then checked the pressure of the half-wolf, placing two fingers beside Luke\'s neck. Relieved she sighed.

"He\'s alive, but his pressure is low. Go get a stretcher." Megan said.

The Kid ran out into the lab, where there was some emergency medical equipment. He then returned with a large ornate wooden board, it was covered with a kind of thin layer of cotton. On the bottom was a magic circle.

Adrian then positioned the stretcher on the floor. With Megan\'s help, the two of them laid Luke down. Megan then put both hands together, and channeling her mana, she activated the magic circle.

The wooden board began to levitate with wind magic. Megan was left with the task of taking Luke to the center of the academy, while Adrian ran out in front. The boy had picked up a flying sword from inside the laboratory.

Throwing a large greatsword on the ground, he quickly climbed on it and flew off to look for help. The Sound of the sword cutting through the wind echoed across the beach.


Meanwhile, Megan would walk from the beach to the center of the academy. The distance was relatively great, but carrying Luke on the flying stretcher, it wouldn\'t be that difficult to get him to the medical center.

They were both extremely worried, but the need to take action was more important.

"Hang in there Luke." said Megan, looking at the unconscious half-wolf.

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