
Chapter 296 - 295: The Truth (Nathan's POV)

"What do you want to know?" He asked her.

"Everything. As much as possible I don't want you to hide anything from me." Eunji replied.

"Did your sister told you that I was after her life?" He asked.

"She did. She also told me that you're already a participant of the underworld or from the black market even before?" She asked.

"Yes. She was right. When I was still in middle school, a group of men had abducted me and bring me somewhere. I was brought in this abandoned warehouse just like the movies where the traffickers would bring their victims and held them as captives."

"I was held there for a month before I was sent overseas. I was sold out. Kaasan must have been very traumatized with my disappearance that when I came back after a year, she was still stuck in the day of my disappearance." He said.

If Mei would be asked, she would not remember a thing. This happened on his first year in middle school. At such a young age, he had to experience that.

Nathan was then sold into this organization which held like a booth camp. More like training grounds for young army of a killer organization.

For a year, he was trained in hacking, programming, tech inventions, martial arts and as a killer. Which he hated the most.

That was also during those times that he met Celine's adoptive parents. Yes, Celine's adoptive parents were involved in the black market, too.

They were actually connected with the child traffickers and one of the founders who created this booth camp. They were serving the King of the black market, the underworld of business.

And before Celine had become an international celebrity, she was the princess of her adoptive parents. And her life had never been easy with them.

This would be discussed further on the latter part of this novel.

To cut the story short, Nathan was released after a year due to her sister's pleading from her parents.

Well that was part of it. But the main reason was that the king of the black market, the underworld king had seen potential on him.

And even though he was freed, he was not totally free because he was given little missions that could challenge his learnt skills from the camp.

If he won't do it or refuse to do it, they knew where he lived and no matter where he went to hide with his family, they could definitely find them.

He was blackmailed with his family's life on the line, so he had no choice.

The skills he learnt while he was in the camp was part of the reason why he chose the IT field.

And when he joined the Japanese army, he got the approval from the king's side given that he also had to do a mission after he was done with his training. Though he didn't know, he agreed.

Then, he was trapped on that island and then met Ana which he didn't know was that mission that the messenger sent by the king's right hand had told him to do even before he had undergone the training. He found that out later on and it was already too late.

He was then held captive by Jake's group so they could blackmail Ana through him. He was heavily sedated with this powerful drug that he could not even move his fingers.

He wanted to escape the place and save her from the bad guys but he couldn't. He felt very helpless and at the same time useless.

But he was surprised as the next day, his squad leader had visited him there and told him that he was actually the spy of the king who had successfully infiltrated the military and was tasked to watch over him.

That was what he could remember before he had passed out.

And when he woke up, he was in this room and his squad leader was there watching him. More like guarding him.

After making sure that he had regained his strength, his squad leader then delivered a message from the king to him.

He was handed an envelope containing a letter and a sketch of a woman whom he was very familiar of.

The squad leader told him that she was his real mission. He had to kill her for the King.

And if he won't agree, his family's life would be in danger.

The squad leader also told him that he was left in the island alone by him for the purpose of meeting Ana who happened to be hiding in that island.

That since he was already familiar with her, it would be easy to kill her.

That's when he realized that everything was planned. That it's not just pure coincidence that he was left there in the island and was saved by Anastasia.

He was being used. His emotions were in haywire. He couldn't accept the fact that they would want him to kill the woman he loved.

And should Nathan disobey the order, his family would be in danger, too.

Deep down, he thought he could escape this mission. But he was wrong.

They used his job in the military to manipulate him to participate in the mission of destroying Ana's base and capture the people there in the base. (His last mission before he was fully out of service.)

Yes, he had submitted his resignation before he was abducted but then he found out that it was being put on hold and it would be granted should he do this last mission.

Which later on, he found out was also in connection to Ana.

He was tasked to lead a group of selected special force member to siege their base that night together with the international authorities.

He also received a tip from the squad leader that Ana would be coming on that base too.

So he immediately agreed to be there with the hopes of saving Ana.

But they came a little late. Ana was no longer there. Since he was the leader, he had to make the report. That's why his name was reflected there on the report.

Yes, he lied to himself about what really happened. He made himself to believe in a lie that he was innocent in everything.

Maybe that was his defense mechanism to protect himself, too. Of the pain from Ana's death.

Then, he suffered from amnesia. Which helped him to forget about it.

But when he recalled his memories back, the pain also came back. So he was back to his old habits of lying to himself until he believed it.

But deep down, he knew that if Eunji would ask, he would really have to tell her everything.

And that was what he did.

He was being honest now not only to Eunji but also to himself.

And he felt that a huge load had been lifted off from his chest. He felt like he was being freed from his own lie.

And when he looked at Eunji, his chest was like being cut to pieces when he saw her in tears.

He wanted to approach her but Eunji waved her hand in front of him telling him to stop.

"I don't know what they tell her. But it was never in my intention to hurt her. Believe me please! Yes I was tasked to kill her but I could not do it. I sincerely loved your sister before Eunji." He confessed.

Though he had suffered from amnesia and had forgotten everything about Ana or anything related to Ana, his involvement in the underworld didn't stop there.

He had the feeling that he could not escape from them unless he had become stronger than the people who had been pressuring him.

And that was what he did.

He had become one of them.

Also when he recalled everything, he already had a high position in the underworld as one of the general of the king.

He had earned the trust of the king and now he was his right hand. He was no longer the push over that everyone could order around.

He had created his name in the black market.

And even the king could not order him around. He was much in control with everything but he knew it was not enough to protect his loved ones. His family.

Of course he wanted to confront him about what he had made him do to Ana in the past. He wanted his revenge, too but he found out the king was actually innocent.

The main culprit was the king's former right hand whom he found out had been sent to the international prison a long time ago.

He had used his followers to give him the orders and used the king's name to pressure him.

To make him obey.

And that made him so frustrated to himself. He had been fooled and was being used.

And of course, he had to tell her about him being the current right hand of the king and about the main culprit.

"Please, wifey. Don't leave me. This was the reason why as much as possible, I didn't want you to know about it." Nathan honestly said.

Eunji wiped the tears that had been masking her face.

She knew that he was telling everything of what he had known to her.

He could tell based on his body language.

He was forced to do it by the situation.

And oh! What a coincidence that their enemies were actually on the same place.

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