
Chapter 297 - 296: Her Rock And Support

It took time for Eunji to process everything from Nathan's confession.

She felt really bad for Nathan. He was being forced by the unfavorable situation he was in.

To put it bluntly, he was also a victim as he was being used by someone who had a malicious intention against her sister, her and her family in general

There's no other explanation but only that.

He was not really innocent but it was not entirely his fault, too.

His and her past were almost the same.

"Did you know why that man wanted my sister dead?" She asked after she had calmed down a little. But still she kept her distance from Nathan.

"I didn't got the chance to find out. As much I wanted to, the international prison was a place that was far from my reach. Even the king had little power in there." He honestly said.

The governing body which was in control of the international prison was very neutral when it comes to every sort of external politics and they stood firm with their stand of non partisan.

That was to make sure that they were unbiased and no special treatment would be given for inmates who were with influential backgrounds outside, especially those people coming from the black market.

Even the interpol had some connections but they could not guarantee that their contacts or insider would still be there and was not kicked out.

In short the international prison had its own world. Their own form of justice system that every political leaders and those big shots had respected for ages.

After listening to him, Eunji looked up in the sky and then closed her eyes.

"I know I made a mistake and I am sorry." He once again apologized to her.

But instead of giving him the response of his apology, Eunji said something else.

"Ana had told me that we're not really sisters." She blurted out all of a sudden which shocked him, too.

But a part of him had heaved a sigh of relief as he knew that she was not angry at him. She was just disappointed with him for hiding this from her.

But still he was shocked when he heard it from her. Or was this Ana's way of confusing Eunji? For him, it was impossible.

"But both of you had the same face." He pointed out.

"I mean, I did met her with all those scars in her face back then. But when I see you and when my memory about her had returned, I could tell after that she would look like you with all the scars being removed from her face. That's why I asked uncle Mike if you're really the Eve that I had known back in the island. But he said that no, you are her twin sister." He tried to explain.

"Wait, how did she introduce her name to you?" Eunji asked as he looked at him.

"She said that she's Eve. Which was weird because her true name was Anastasia right? And it kept me wondering why she had used your name in introducing herself to me." Nathan answered her.

"Well, do you want to know the reason why I used Eunji instead of Evelina now?" She asked him and Nathan remained silent because he too wanted to find out.

She was the undeclared member of their faction, of their union so when she left, she could use her true name, right? No one could associate her name as a member of that mercenary organization.

"Because Evelina was supposed to be her name." She confessed.

This confession made Nathan to frown.

"So I have been calling you with the wrong name?" He asked.

"Something messed up with our birth certificates. It was a small technical error which made me to be named as Evelina Lien Eunji Kim and she was legally named as Anastasia Lien Ji Eun Kim." She explained.

Anastasia liked the nickname Eve and wished that it should have been her name and not Anastasia. But only Evelina could use that nickname from her name.

And for her it didn't matter if Ana would use the nickname Eve for herself. She liked Eunji anyways.

No wonder she used that name to introduce herself to Nathan.

"I see." Nathan said.

"But how could she say that you're not sisters when you have the same face?" He asked her again but Eunji too was silent.

"What are you both then? A clone of each other?" He suddenly spoke which made Eunji to widen her eyes as he looked at him.

"No!" She uttered in disbelief. She didn't want to believe it but it could be possible, too.

This time, Nathan ignored her want to have this distance as he ran towards her and gave her his comforting hug.

"No! It's not it! She's lying. We're sisters. But she said...she said that everything I had known so far was a lie!" She said with her voice trembling.

A part of Eunji didn't want to believe what Ana had told her before. Deep inside she was really hoping that her birth background was not complicated as what Ana had told her.

But it was there, the research experiment did exist and these people had been involved with it.

So there's a possibility that Ana was not lying, too.

If the relationship they had was that of a clone, then...who was the original and who was the clone?

This made Eunji to be very emotional and cried again. Well, she had been very emotional from the beginning and it just came back.

Maybe because she was now in Nathan's warm embrace that she got carried away.

She got to be her true self with Nathan around. She didn't care to show her vulnerable side with him. Which for some people was not good as this weakness could be used against her by that person.

But it was Nathan that we're talking about here. Of all the people around her, she believed that Nathan could be the most trusted person on top of her list.

And she believed that. So she didn't care.

She felt that only Nathan could understand and sympathize her, too.

She was glad that he was there to comfort her. She really needed him especially now and Nathan was willing to be there for her.

"Don't worry Wifey, even if the world had made you so confused now, I will make sure that my love for you would never do such. That with my love, you'll find the purpose of your existence and let us, your family, be your reason to continue pushing and living." He coaxed her while rubbing her back gently.

He also made sure to shower her forehead and side face with kisses while wiping those tears and then hugged her again.

"En!" Eunji nodded in his embrace.

Nathan never fail to remove her worries. She knew she could count on him in situations like this.

"Look at you! I'm here. So stop crying, okay? I promise that my existence will be the only constant in your life. And if somehow I change, I'll make sure that I change for the better. Making sure that everyday I'll make you feel how special and how precious you are to me." He continued while gently rocking their bodies together side to side with a non-existent music. Just their heart beats together.

Nathan knew Eunji needed this moment to calm down. At most times, he could figure her out. But there were times that he could not.

He knew that the were a lot of things going on inside her sexy mind. Things that she had hidden from him and had not opened up yet.

If only he could crack open what was actually inside her head, he would do it.

That way, he could help her solve the worries that she had bottled up deep inside her. Unfortunately, he couldn't and that saddened him.

All he could do was to wait for his wife to share it to him and he was hoping that Eunji would fully open up to him. Fully....

It took quite some time for Eunji to calm down and this time, Nathan's shirt was a mess because of her tears which she was sorry for but Nathan reassured that it was fine.

"Look at you, your eyes are all fluffy. Make sure to not let the kids see them, okay? They're very sensitive and could tell that something's bothering you." He said while kissing both of her eyes.

"Yeah. Geez! Since when did I become such an emotional person?" She blurted out.

"Ahm...since you met me?" He innocently answered.

Eunji didn't refute as she knew he was right.

"Come...let's go somewhere else that could make you feel relax." He said as he tried to pull her towards the cave parking lot.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Maybe let's have a drive around the area. How about that?" He said but Eunji shook her head.

"No. We don't have to go somewhere else to unwind. Everything we needed could be found inside this forest." She said which caught Nathan's interest.

"Come!" She then pulled him towards the woods.

While walking, she realized that she had forgotten something.

Eunji knew that she had to apologize to him too for the way she did and making Nathan to feel that she would leave him after finding the truth.

"I'm sorry I had to interrogate you in a way earlier." She also apologized because of how overbearing she was to him.

Yes, at some point the seed of doubt had been implanted in her heart in the past but she was successful to not let it to grow again. At least that was the most important thing now.

"Don't apologize. I have already forgiven you even before you uttered it." He said with a smile.

"Don't worry. I never had the plan to leave you even if you didn't really tell me the truth earlier. But thank you for being honest with me. I really appreciate it, hubby." She smiled back at him.

"Thank you." He said warmly.

"Don't thank me. Or else we're worse than strangers. I love you Nathan...so much." She sweetly said.

Nathan then paused from walking and pulled her on his embrace and kissed her.

"And I love you too, Wifey."

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