国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 508

“As if you’re so important,” Robert muttered under his breath, but Marcel heard him clearly and didn’t say anything.

His uncle went ahead to say, “As the family Don, you might think you’re the busiest, but I can assure you that is not the case. We’re doing our job well which is why the workload is easier on you. What am I trying to say? You are not the only busy person, Marcel, hence, even if you marry three hundred wives and seven hundred concubines, we don’t care, not even your own father would interfere with it. ”

A slow smile crossed Marcel’s lips the moment his uncle Robert said those words and he turned to meet his father who looked like someone just smeared shit on his face. This was what Marcel wanted all along and his uncle just gave it to him without thinking much about it.

“Three hundred wives and seven hundred concubines,” Snorted Victor who had not spoken a word since the meeting began. He said, “Sorry, but my cousin is not preparing to compete with Solomon in the Bible.”

Moreover, Victor was sure that his uncle would only find a way to eliminate the children that he would probably view as competition.

“You don’t need to take it seriously, Victor, I’m sure my uncle meant well,” Marcel spoke up for Robert which surprised everyone and caused the uncle in question to frown. What was that sly kid up to now? But Marcel was too happy to care.

“That means I’m the only one that could introduce a woman to the family as a wife, not even my father can, is that so?” Marcel asked innocently, so one couldn’t sense the ulterior motive behind his question.

“Of course,” said Benjamin, “Why should your father choose a wife for you when you’re old enough to make the decision? Don’t you think so, dear cousin, Daniel?”


Although Benjamin seemed to be on Marcel’s side, he had his own reasons. He was only supporting Marcel to stop Daniel from making the right choice for him. All of the women Daniel selected for his son were usually capable and from powerful backgrounds. If Marcel were to marry into such a background, he was afraid that the leadership would remain on their side forever because his wife’s family would back him no matter what.

In one word, most of them gathered here didn’t care what Clara did, it was merely an excuse to stop the wedding from happening and Marcel was a fool to have reported it to them, they all thought. Benjamin heard Marcel was a womanizer, hence he would never make a good choice. So the plan was to take advantage of the situation and ensure Daniel never interfered with his life in the future, especially now Marcel was surprisingly helpful.

So when he asked Daniel that question, the man turned to glare at Benjamin so intensely that he gulped down saliva. None of them couldn’t tell what exactly was frightening about Daniel, the man was simply scary.

“Are you trying to say that I have no say in my son’s love life?” Daniel asked icily, finally letting out his oppressive aura. He had been quiet all this while and see what it led to.

Benjamin was readily intimidated by Daniel, however, Robert the elder brother was bolder and he spoke up,

“It’s your son’s life, not yours. You already lived yours in case you don’t remember, nor did anyone choose your wife. ” He stated challengingly.

Daniel turned to him with a sarcastic tug at the corner of his lips, and said, “You’re oddly invested in my son’s life, shouldn’t you reserve that concern for your other son who’s suspected of being gay?”

He hit Robert where it hurts the most and the man grabbed the chair’s handle so tight his knuckles turned white. However, Robert put on a straight face, and the only gesture portraying what he felt inside were his hands shaking from fury.

He heard the rumors about his son and though the world had changed and the Mafia rules weren’t as imperious as before – which was the reason Lance was still alive – they still looked down on gays. Hence, Lance was a big disgrace to him right now.

Meanwhile, Marcel sat in the corner watching his uncles and father fight it out verbally. He had no intention of stepping in and stopping them until he got what he wanted. He already lured them and they took the bait, it was now left to them to give him what he wanted.

Robert answered him, “Those are merely rumors and you should know how destructive unverified words are for you to use one so carelessly and accuse my innocent son.”

“There is no smoke without a fire,” Daniel hinted that there must have been an atom of truth in that rumor.

“In that case, what if I were to spread that Marcel wasn’t really your son and you are impotent which is why you were only able to give birth to the imbecile – ” Robert was still saying when Daniel whirled around him and with lightning speed, punched him in the face.

As the former Don, proceeded now by his son who was doing well in leading the family, Daniel had quite a flawless reputation except for that one defect – his imbecile son. Hence, Daniel who was usually collected, lost his control.

Watching his father and uncles engage in a fight, Marcel felt like face-palming. This was not what he wanted. They were supposed to put up a rule or something that would stop his father from interfering in his marriage choice in the future. But there they were, fully grown adults fighting in their presence. However, Marcel was sure of one thing, his father would be utterly embarrassed – and enraged – by the time this is over.

So while the others went to separate them, Marcel remained in his seat. Not then, when it seemed the fight wasn’t going to stop anytime soon, Marcel merely gestured to Victor who nodded and lifted his gun upward, releasing two shots in the air.

They were startled by the gunshot and some of them even ducked under the table thinking that this was an attack or something. So when they stood up, they were embarrassed. They were supposed to be fearless, however, they shivered like chicks at the sound of a gunshot.

But thanks to the gunshots, normalcy returned and everyone returned to their seats. However, the tension was thick in the air and Marcel knew that if he didn’t dismiss them anytime soon, another fight would break out.

“Honestly, I expected more from my elders,” Marcel said, and though they didn’t lower their heads, he could see the shame in their eyes.

Marcel turned to his father who was more furious than embarrassed. Daniel was not going to let this go and Robert better watches his back for the next days to come.

“I understand your point as my father, however, just like uncle said, he has the right to be involved in my life as well. After all, as the Don, whoever I chose as a wife would have a huge influence on the family. Had I not been lucky, I wouldn’t have discovered Clara’s deceit, and who knows what she would cause our family in the future?” Marcel said and there were echoes of support from the family members.

But then, they shouldn’t have rejoiced too soon because Marcel said,

“However, as the head of the family, that means I have the sovereign power and in that case, I want no interference in my choice of a partner, not even from my father.”

There was instant silence the moment everyone heard Marcel’s declaration and that was when it dawned on Robert that Marcel just used him. But why? That was what they couldn’t understand. Marcel had no problem accepting Clara, the lady his father had chosen until her crime was discovered. However, Marcel had always been unpredictable, so they didn’t think much about it. He was probably sick and tired of his father’s controlling ways.

“I’m the leader of this family and would take the responsibility for whatever decisions I take. So, you don’t have to worry about the woman I marry in the future. This meeting is dismissed, thanks for your time.” Marcel said and left before anyone could say a thing, Victor trailing after him.

“This is not the end,” Victor pointed out that Daniel wouldn’t let him go that easily. They were only able to resolve today’s issues because they had been lucky to find out what Clara had done thanks to that kid, Aziz.

“No, it’s not. But he would lie low for now.” Marcel added under his breath, “I hope so.”

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