国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 509

He snuck up on her like a ghost and Clara came to a startling realization that if Marcel wanted her dead, she would be long gone by now. And Marcel must have sensed what she was thinking because there was an arrogant smirk at the corner of his lips and that pissed her off greatly.

Marcel pulled down the gag he used to shut her mouth and Clara glared at him, flexing her sore jaw.

“Something great must have happened for you to be this smug, let me guess? You successfully managed to find a way to get rid of me since our wedding is invalid anyway?”

“Bingo!” Marcel didn’t bother to hide his excitement, “Had you been this smart, by chance, the both of us might have worked out. However, I’m not the man to regret my actions, so thank God we didn’t end up together.” He sassed.

“So now what?” Clara lifted her head proudly, “What are you going to do to me? Are you going to get rid of me so you and your mistress can leave happily ever after?”

She went on with a sneer, “Well, let me remind you, Marcel, you would never have a happily ever after with that woman because I’ll be your mortal enemy and I’ll never leave you both alone.” She shouted, “I gave you everything, Marcel! I even gave up Luther for both of us to be together and this is how you pay me back?! In that case, I would never leave you alone in peace!”

Clara threatened Marcel, expecting some sort of reaction from him after the provocation. But then, Marcel stared at her blankly as if it was mere air that spoke and it confused her. Why wasn’t Marcel saying something? It was more satisfying when he talks back, only then that she knows he was affected by it.

But then, after over five minutes went by and there was still no sort of response from Marcel, she felt like a fool. If only Clara knew that Marcel was only trying to control himself from murdering her.


In the past, insulting his mother would set Marcel off, however, Arianna finally ended up on his list. In one word, calling Arianna his mistress was enough to provoke him to anger. And right now, Clara just committed that crime, hence, Marcel had to muster enough self-control to stop himself from simply wrapping his hands around her neck and crushing her windpipe.

“I was hoping that you would say that,” Marcel finally spoke up, but that wasn’t the response Clara was expecting and that made her brows furrowed in confusion.

Marcel began to circle her like a vulture around a carcass, albeit slowly. That unsettled her and the hairs on her back stood on edge whenever Marcel walked behind her because she couldn’t see him nor could she tell what he was up to. What if he had a gun with him and wanted to end her life? Thoughts like that filled her mind.

So it wasn’t a surprise Clara gasped loudly when Marcel suddenly placed his hand on her shoulder from behind and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Her heart began to pound while beads of sweat formed on her forehead. Her palms were clammy and she unconsciously tested the strength of the bind and God, she couldn’t get out of it. What was she going to do? She began to panic.

Marcel knew that Clara was all bark but no action and would have let her be, however, she insulted Arianna and he wasn’t going to let that go. Aside from that, perhaps, because of their family’s closeness, Clara underestimates what he could do – his ability and power. Or perhaps, she just doesn’t believe that he could hurt her because of their history together. Or maybe, she was simply a spoiled brat.

In that case, he deserved a little respect.

Marcel had a feeling that Clara would continue being a nuisance to him until he put her in her place. He didn’t get rid of his father’s influence, only to entertain her drama. Moreover, until he got rid of his father and Clara, Arianna would never be comfortable enough to settle down with him. It was all for Arianna.

So he increased the pressure of his grip on her shoulder till she winced, and the sound satisfied him. However, Marcel didn’t stop her until Clara was whimpering and begging him to stop. And he did. Marcel then grabbed her hair from behind and she cried out in pain just as he said into her ears,

“You are going to be my mortal enemy, is that so? I guess I haven’t told you that none of my enemies get to live the moment I get my hands on them?”

Marcel threatened her and she shivered.

Marcel laughed mockingly but it quickly changed into a sneer, “Since you are never going to leave me alone, why don’t I get rid of you first?” He pushed her away as if she was mere dirt and didn’t matter to him.

Tears began to roll down Clara’s cheek however Marcel rolled his eyes,

“Sorry, but that emotional manipulation doesn’t work on me. I’m only a fool for one woman and you don’t make the cut.”

“Then try and get rid of me, then!” Clara shouted at him.

As a woman, she felt so insulted that Marcel was praising another woman right in front of her – especially one that she was better than. Her prude was shattered.

“You think that my family would leave you alone?”

However, Marcel tsk-tsked, “Why does everyone assume that a Mafia only needs to kill to get rid of somebody?” He found it laughable.

“What else then?” Clara didn’t believe him. What was Marcel capable of if not destruction and death? Now she thought about it, what did she even see in him enough to push Luther away? She must have been under a charm or something.

“Why don’t we explore your greatest fear? What do you say?” Marcel said and Clara looked at him as if he had finally lost his mind.

Then she began to laugh. Clara laughed so hard that tears rolled off her cheeks. It was so funny. However, that laughter gurgled to a halt when the door suddenly opened and she saw that annoying cousin of his walk in with a suspicious briefcase and she tensed up.

What was in here? Was it his torture tool? Marcel was going to torture her? Of course, what else did she expect? Clara braced herself because no force on earth would make her beg Marcel for mercy. He wanted to torture her? Then he should go on with it.

“I see that both of you are having a fun time?” Victor teased him, standing in front of him.

“And I see that you are still working hard as his lackey as always,” Clara insulted him.

“Of course, I work really hard, because, unlike a certain somebody, I have a sense of loyalty,” Victor backtalked, unlike Marcel, who would have given her the silence instead.

Clara shut her mouth immediately, her attention now fixed on the briefcase the cousin was carrying.

Victor in question winked at her and that spoke volumes. Thus, the tension in the room increased as he faced Marcel and opened the case. Clara strained her neck to get a view but she couldn’t and her anxiety increased. Nor did it help matter when she heard Victor say,

“You better use that properly, cousin, there’s just one shot of it left,”

What the hell was inside the box?

Then she saw it and the blood drained from her face.

Marcel stood to his feet with an injection in hand.

“What is that? What are you planning to do to me, Marcel!” Clara yelled, evident fear on her face. Marcel was a bastard and that shot he had in hand couldn’t be something good.

“You want to know that badly?” Marcel smirked, knowing that he was the one in control here, adding to her fear, “In that case, this is Barbiturates, popularly known as the truth serum.”

Oh God, no.

Clara’s anxiety finally reached the limit and she desperately struggled against the bind. Marcel couldn’t get into her head. If he knew what she feared the most, then he was going to use it against her. That was the punishment he was talking about. God, how could she have been stupid?!

“No, don’t bring that close to me!” She screamed and struggled when Marcel got close to her. She can’t let him get that needle inside of her.

“Please, Marcel!” She resorted to begging him this time but he didn’t listen to her. Victor came over and held her down as Marcel injected the substance.

“No!!” Clara released a tormented wail as the deed was done.

Marcel better kill her, please because

he can’t get into her head. He was going to destroy her.

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