国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 510

However, Leon only smiled smugly as if he hadn’t been checking out Lucas’ ass and went ahead. He had quite the confidence and Arianna didn’t say anything, he was her host after all. Hehe, she would only have to activate her matchmaking then.

Luca didn’t spare much look at Leon, yet Arianna could smell the attraction between them like a police dog and it was a burning inferno. Thinking about it now, she couldn’t help but wonder if this had been the same case with her and Marcel.

Had the both of them had the hots for each other and didn’t notice? Or maybe, she was the one too stubborn to admit their attraction, after all, Marcel had never failed to tell her he wanted her. Arianna knew that she was too stubborn for her good.

Currently, she and Leon were having a lavish meal and Arianna couldn’t help but wonder if the meal was just for the both of them or if there was a community of people yet to arrive at the table because it was too much. If looking at the mansion was not enough to convince one that Leon was wealthy, then the numerous cousins would. Arianna was so full she couldn’t move. Aside from that, the man was a good entertainer as well.

“No, not anymore,” Arianna chuckled, wiping the tears that had slipped down her cheeks as a result of the numerous Jokes Leon was telling her.

“Okay, just one more then,” Leon agreed. He then asked her, “Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn?”

“I have no idea,” Arianna knew she would fail the question even if she bothered to answer.

Leon was elated that she couldn’t answer his question and said proudly,


“Because he always has a great fall.”

Arianna threw her head back and laughed hard, and in the process, her gaze fell on Luca who had a small smile on the corner of his lips. What a pretender! If there was any doubt that Luca was interested in the man, it was cleared now.

Luca was standing just a few meters away from her and even when Leon asked him politely to sit beside her, he refused the offer claiming he was doing his job – trailing behind her like a ghost. Arianna wondered if she was the reason he wasn’t responding to the green lights Leon was giving him. As far as Arianna knew, Luca was as single as a pringle, nor did he have a love interest – until now.

This was why Arianna planned to go straight into her room after eating, giving Leon the chance to win Luca over and he wouldn’t have any more excuses. What a great plan, Arianna was confident it would work. Luca wouldn’t know what hit him, hehe. He couldn’t escape love this time.

“So how did the both of you meet?”


“You and Marcel,” Arianna pointed out, “He didn’t get the chance to tell me the relationship between the both of you, only said that you’re the only person he could trust at the moment.”

“Oh, that. It’s quite funny, actually,” Leon confessed, a blush coating his cheeks.

“I want to hear it,” Arianna’s interest piqued.

Leon wiped his face with his palm and then started, “The truth is that I hit on Marcel, you know, full-blown steamy looks and powerful innuendos,”

“What?!” Arianna shouted, shell-shocked. What the heck was he talking about?

“Yep,” Leon admitted.

Wait a minute, she narrowed her gaze at him suspiciously. Her guards were up now and Arianna couldn’t believe that she had another rival in line. As if Clara wasn’t enough, Leon too? A more powerful, handsome rival?

God, why couldn’t Marcel give her a break? Why does he attract attention from all around – even men now? It was because of his face, Arianna guessed. He was too handsome for people to handle! Perhaps, she would have him wearing masks like Elijah from now on to save her the trouble. Fighting for his love was becoming too challenging.

Does Luca know that too? Is that the reason he was keeping his distance? That betrayer! Leon was in love with Marcel and he didn’t tell her, Arianna quickly concluded.

“It’s all in the past,” Leon offered her an explanation when he saw the look she was giving him.

However, Arianna simply lifted her hand and silenced him, trying to digest all the information she just heard. No wonder, Marcel couldn’t explain their relationship to her and gave her the trust bullshit – he had a lot of explaining to do after this.

She took one long, deep breath before lifting her face to look at Leon once again, “Tell me....” Arianna gulped as if it was too hard to ask, “Did the both of you....” She brought her two fingers together to touch insinuatingly.

“Oh, God, no,” Leon answered, looking disgusted, which was a good sign, right?

“We didn’t get to that extent,” He said to her relief.

Arianna didn’t know that she was holding her breath until he said those words, “Then, what the hell happened?” She asked, annoyed.

“Well, we met at a club. To be precise, I met him at his club, and honestly, it was a mistake to think of him as gay. However, I met him at the bar alongside Victor, I didn’t know the both of them were related because they were giving off gay vibes, not to mention that Marcel was too good-looking for his own good and the gay ones tend to be too handsome,” he hinted at the stereotype surrounding gay people.

Arianna knew he was telling the truth, just as Mimi didn’t have any filter when it comes to talking shit, Victor was touchy-feely. However, that was just his personality and it was merely bad luck Leon stumbled on the scene.

“What happened next?”

“Well, what do you think I did?” Leon asked her back, picking up a glass of water and gulped it down.

Arianna could already guess he walked up to Marcel, but she needed to hear from him.

He went on, “I couldn’t give up on such an opportunity, the both of us know that your man is too damn attractive.”

A blush crept up Arianna’s cheeks when he said that while her heart swelled with pride. Her man, Marcel, was too damn attractive.

“So I walked up to him and touched him on the shoulder,”

“Oh, no,” Arianna gasped with a sense of premonition, “You didn’t?”

“Yep, I did.” Leon admitted ruefully, lifting his right hand for her to see, “He broke my middle finger before I could blink. Thankfully, he only broke it, not destroyed it. He questioned my intention and seeing the murderous intention on his face, I had to explain I was interested. God, that was the most embarrassing day of my life. ”

He deserved the punishment, Arianna thought inwardly. As much as she felt sorry for Leon, he had to go and hit on the wrong person, her man, Marcel. The twisted side of her relished his punishment.

“So, how did the both of you become friends?” Arianna was curious – and suspicious as well. Marcel was wary of Clara, so why would he keep someone interested in him by his side?

“It turned out that it was his club, and when Marcel found out that I wasn’t his enemy, he took me to the hospital and treated me. And from there, we become sort of buddies, I guess.”

“Buddies, huh? That means you’re no longer interested in him, right?” Arianna asked, hopefully.

“Oh please,” Leon rolled his eyes, feeling insulted, “I lost my interest in Marcel the moment I found out that he was a pussy lover and not an asshole,” He said.

“That’s good then,” Arianna was more than happy to hear he wasn’t attracted to Marcel anymore. Imagine having to compete for Marcel with someone of his caliber, she would lose.

Leon might not be as handsome as Marcel, but he was hot. Not to mention he was rich and was friends with Marcel already. That was a big disadvantage.

She stood to her feet, “Thank you for the wonderful meal. I would love a rest now.”

But Luca was beside her the moment she pushed the chair back and Arianna stopped him, “I only want to take a nap, Luca, ”

So Arianna stated, “Don’t follow me, please, my room is not that far. However, it would please me greatly if you can do me the favor of keeping my host, Leon, company. I’m retiring early which is quite rude considering he cleared up his schedule to accommodate me today, and I’m sure Leon wouldn’t mind your company, right? ” She faced her host, expectantly.

“Of course, not. I would love his company.” Leon didn’t fail and even had a pleasing smile. It seems they were on the same page here. Well, anything to keep his eyes off Marcel.

“But -” Luca protested.

“No, but,” Arianna tapped his chest and skidded down the hall happily.

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